Welcome to Solycards

Issue USD Virtual Debit Cards

An API to issue debit cards without needing a bank or a third-party processor. Issue cards to customers, employees, stakeholders or just about anyone. From anywhere in the World.

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Easily make payment online;

Disney plus

Built For Developers

Our platform is built with developers in mind, rather than merely for them. We've made it so your team won't have to spend months integrating payment features from various platforms. The process of issuing cards is made simple by our bullet-proof RESTful API, which is backed by clear and concise technical documentation. To provide a pleasant connection, our requests make use of basic JSON calls with clear, informative success and error answers.

Full API reference
                curl -X POST "https://solycards.com/api/virtual_cards/create"
                -H "Accept: application/json"
                -H "Authorization: Bearer {api_key}"
                -d "{
                    "amount": "100",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "account_id": "81a2d700-60e4-4211-983e-2b2da5536853",

What we offer

Solycards Issuing gives you access to better expense management, an opportunity to create new revenue lines and new businesses.

2.5% +4 USD

Card creation fee


Personal cards


Card Issuing

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Life saving solutions

Data-based solutions for retail, analytics, and risk management.

Promote sales

Intelligent value-added services for digital banking, sales.

Easy payment system

A centralized payment solution for accepting cards.

Secure payments

We keep your financial details private and transactions secure.


What Says Customers About us

Today is the day to start building the financial services!

Our open API platform enables you to programmatically control strong financial functions, create new world-class experiences, and securely interface with other services.

Welcome to Solycards

Ready to get started?

Get in touch or create an account instantly and start building on the Solycards API today!